Senior Software Engineer

Steven Lawson

Professional and secure full stack collaborative development


  • Version Control – utilizing Git with the trunk-based development workflow and feature flagging to make collaborative coding and integration effortless
  • Code Review – maintaining clean code, finding bugs early, educating team members
  • Documentation – keeping knowledge available for the entire life of a project, standardizing operating procedures


  • CI/CD Pipelines – employing continuous integration and deployment to always have the latest feature released
  • Environment – deploying separate environments for development, staging, and production
  • Issue Tracking – collecting issues into a centralized canonical list to avoid confusion
  • Automated Testing – making repetitive tests more reliable and consistent


  • DRY – "Don't Repeat Yourself" - avoiding duplication to keep code consistent and easy to maintain
  • KISS – "Keep it simple, stupid" - allowing code to only be as complex as it needs to be
  • MVC – Model-view-controller - using proven design patterns to separate code logically and make UI painless

Development Skills

Front-End (Frameworks/Script)
  • React (w/ hooks)
  • Vue
  • Laravel (Blade, Livewire)
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • Axios
  • Redux
  • jQuery
  • AR.js / A-Frame
  • Vanilla JavaScript
Front-End (Components/Style)
  • Material UI
  • Theme UI
  • TailwindCSS (+ customization)
  • Bootstrap (+ customization)
  • Sass
  • Vanilla CSS
  • Node
  • Java / Spring
  • GraphQL
  • Laravel
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Linux
  • Apache
  • AWS
  • iOS
  • Swift
  • SwiftUI
  • Xcode
  • Objective-C
  • Adobe Animate (Flash)
  • ActionScript
  • Haxe
  • OpenFL
  • FlashDevelop
  • Git
  • GitLab/GitHub/Bitbucket
  • Monolith & Microservice Architectures
  • Concourse CI
  • Buddy
  • Jira
  • YouTrack/Upsource
  • Docker


  • Domestic and international travel
  • Vintage electronics restoration
  • Machinery restoration, machining projects
  • Game development, game server management, gaming
  • Camping, kayaking, conservation